Friday, December 16, 2011

a Year full of love

January heyypii new year This big celebration in the Philippines really bring HAPPINESS to every family and  human being. We literally start the year with a bang. The countdown of New year varies from family to family or from region to region. At the strike of 12:00 midnight, the noise becomes deafening, rings , firecrackers rules the sky, kids gaping in awe as they see the different firecrackers, blooming in the sky. The banging and booming rise to a climax which includes clanging of old pots and pans, blowing jeep, car or tricyle horns, ambulance sirens for full one minute as the countdown to New Year..  we go to mass with my family then bonding :)) then after that celebration is my friends birthday party to the max :) Febuary 2 is my brother's birthday anf 5'th is my birth day even tough our birthday is in the same month we celebrate it seperately. he celebrate his birth day in his school my mom organized his party. February 14 "yey its valentines day" even tough i don't have boy friend at least i have my friends our valentines day is verrrryy happy malling . party party :) March comes  2 weeks of spending time with my friends . .  malling .. exploring spots .  Traveling .  picture taking. food3p to the max .  (i miss them soo much) Then good bye highschool. April Lenten season the birthday of my sister Barbie party then my mom;s birthday. May whoo im so exited COLLEGE LIFE <3 . . .  then May 30"th  anniversary of my mom and my dad , family dinner and midnight party with my family. June Opening of classes then June 17 my 'dad's birthday, diner date with family and travel . .whole day . .  imma enjoy. :) July Ordinary day. August august 13 2011 (12:35pm) i saw my prince my inspiration my ULTIMATE crush Mr ALFONSO TOMAS PAGADUAN ARAULLO. .  <3 September (inlove  atom) October (inlove atom) NOVEMBER (inlove atom)

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